The Adventures of My Two Feet: Introduction and Great Falls!

Your feet take you to so many places, whether it’s halfway across the world or just down to the kitchen for a drink of water. My feet have ventured all the way to Korea, up and down the East Coast, and left to right in Virginia.

I’ve decided to start a series called The Adventures of My Two Feet. In this series I’ll be telling you about allllllll the different places my feet have been going. I don’t know how often I’ll be writing about this series, but hopefully enough to know that my little feet aren’t restricted to my neighborhood. 🙂 I’ll be writing about parks, vacations, shows, etc., and hopefully showing you many pictures (but not too many that you’ll be scrolling endlessly down the list). Hope you enjoy The Adventures of My Two Feet!

My Two Feet just went to Great Falls – on Saturday, the 25th! It was a beautiful scenery of rocks and the Potomac River – I was so scared I was going to fall in! – and many trees. The weather was gorgeous, perfect for hiking! My mom, two sisters, and I went with some of the ladies from our church and participated in good fellowship. Here’s some pictures from our trip!



These two pictures above are of a rocky path we had to get through to many of the overlooks that viewed the Potomac River. They were pretty difficult to climb through, and there was muddy water next to the rocks that made you really not want to slip!

Here are some pictures I took from multiple overlooks of the Potomac River – these pictures barely capture the grandeur of the rushing water!



The rocky “wall” you see behind the waters in the photo above is the Maryland side of Great Falls. There are two sides – the Virginia and Maryland. We went on the Virginia side, but maybe next time we can try the other one!



More scenery, isn’t it just beautiful?



Here are some pictures of little canals, that, sadly, had no water in them:




This one down below was in the middle of being built:


Now for a couple cool things we saw along the way!


This guy above was going to scale down that rock wall! He was preparing by tying ropes around the trees, pulling on them, and stuff like that. I wish I could’ve seen him do it, but he said that it was going to be a while before he was ready. I’ve always wanted to rock climb 🙂


There are people on the other side – casually having brunch on a cliff. No biggie, right?


Aww… 😦 We reached the end. Here’s a photo of the gate, you can see some people up ahead. The path leads to the Visitor Center and the parking lot. I had so much fun on that trip! It was nice to take a walk in nature, although sometimes there was the not-so-pleasant smell of decomposing leaves…blech. Oh well, the aroma of nature, I guess.

Thanks for reading the first edition of The Adventures of My Two Feet! There will be more yet to come! Eventually…Right now, I’m still trying to get into the studying pool. I’m not quite warm enough yet to jump right in. Maybe on winter vacation I’ll go someplace exciting!

Which picture was your favorite?

To more adventures!

Lydia ❤

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